Complimentary installation

Free installation of bespoke kitchen, bathroom, and wardrobe. Terms apply.*

Complimentary installation

Free installation of bespoke kitchen, bathroom, and wardrobe. Terms apply.*

Nicolaj Bo offers exclusive complimentary installation on orders placed before March 31, 2025.

*Only valid with the purchase of a kitchen with appliances. Display models and webshop orders are excluded.

Complimentary carpenter installation

Installation of a bespoke solution is a complex process, typically accounting for 15-20% of the total price. At Nicolaj Bo, we include professional installation in the price when you place an order between January 16 and March 31, 2025.

Our experienced craftsmen carry out the installation with honest craftsmanship and an uncompromising attention to detail – always with respect for both the design and your home. It’s a service that reflects our philosophy of uncompromising quality and honest craftsmanship.

Explore spaces

Discover designs tailored for various spaces

Håndlavet snedkerarbejde og kvalitetsmaterialer i renovering entreprise fra Nicolaj Bo

About Nicolaj Bo

We are Danish furniture craftsmen and architects specializing in bespoke solutions that enhance your home’s aesthetic and functional qualities. Using meticulously selected materials and superior Danish craftsmanship, we design kitchens that are both stunning and built to last.

Our Danish production merges traditional craftsmanship with modern innovation to create kitchens and furniture that stand the test of time. We take pride in designing pieces that are both enduring and exceptional.

By keeping the entire production in Denmark, we ensure close collaboration from design to completion, guaranteeing exceptional quality at every stage of your kitchen project.

We believe that knowing the story behind your kitchen’s creation enhances your daily enjoyment and appreciation.

Explore previous projects

Learn more about the possibilities, get inspiration, and design suggestions for your project in a no-obligation meeting with an interior designer.

You get

  • The opportunity to explore our materials
  • Suggestions for design solutions
  • A free sketch
  • A free, no-obligation quote

Visit us

Gammel Kongevej 103

1850 Frederiksberg

Opening hours

Mon-wed 11-5

Thu-fri 11-6

Saturday 10-3

Contact us

+45 32 20 68 15

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Book et møde

Du kan reservere et gratis møde i vores kalender herunder.

På et møde kan vi fordybe os i dit projekt og besvare dine spørgsmål.
Mødet kan foregå i vores showroom på Gammel Kongevej eller som telefonmøde. 

Dit ønske om et møde bliver bekræftet indenfor 24 timer.
Ønsker du et møde inden for 24 timer skal vi venligst bede dig kontakte os på telefon.

Book a meeting

You can book a free meeting in our calendar below.

At the meeting, we can immerse ourselves in your project and answer your questions.
The meeting can be via conference call or take place in our Showroom at Gammel Kongevej in Copenhagen.

Your request for a meeting will be confirmed within 24 hours.
If you wish to schedule a meeting within 24 hours, we kindly ask you to contact us by phone.